Serving – Philippians 2:3-5
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus
A commitment to leading a life uncommon, [1] a life of bounteous giving and tenderhearted caring, finds few advocates in our society, which worships luxurious and pleasurable living. Watch a few minutes of television or flip through a magazine, and you will see the multi-front campaign spearheaded by the enemy of our souls to bind our hearts and strength to desires that could never bring true contentment. Accumulating wealth and possessions, achieving everlasting youth, obtaining greater beauty, and finding enduring enjoyment are highly extolled pursuits per the voices all around us. However, when we examine them under God’s Light, we find they are empty and unfruitful quests for inner joy and lasting satisfaction, which we can only gain by emulating Christ through other-centeredness.
How dissonant is the world’s lure to self-indulgence when compared to Paul’s counsel to put others’ interests over our own, to consider their needs with compassionate hearts, ministering hands, listening ears, and open checkbooks. How profound is the contrast between the lustful and greedy desires of the flesh and Peter’s instructions to subject ourselves to others with humility of mind, spirit, and manner.[2] How peculiar to a world consumed with self-preservation and instant gratification is the concept of a person laying down his life for another.[3]
As we grow in wisdom and faith, catching glimpses of heaven, we begin to gain perspective on the brevity of this life and on the wisdom in pursuing eternal rewards over the world’s illusory treasures. Thus armed with an understanding of our alien status in this temporal and foreign place, we can no longer delude ourselves into seeking happiness through an inwardly focused life. The truth is clear. If we desire joy, we will engage in a ministry of sacrificial service to others. As we use our freedom in Jesus Christ to serve one another in love,[4] our devotion and obedience to the Lord will rise as a memorial before Him,[5] and He will reward us by banking our acts of service to the accounts He has established for us in heaven.
Do you wish to be a person of high
stature? Become a servant to others with
the same meekness with which our Lord became a servant.[6] Minister to others with
joy, thinking not of what is given, but rejoicing in the privilege of serving
as if you were serving the Lord Himself.[7]
Clasp the hand of a youth who needs a friend
Talk and laugh with someone very old
Stand beside a wife abandoned in her prime
And your life will be extraordinary
Share the Lord with a man broken and lost
Kneel in prayer with a mother of a runaway child
Offer hope when every hope is gone
And you will have a life of purpose
Give more when you’ve thought you’ve given all
Weep freely for another’s suffering
Bless the angry man as he curses you
And you will live a life uncommon
[1] Jewel, A Life Uncommon
[2] 1 Peter 5:5-6
[3] John 15:13
[4] Galatians 5:13
[5] Acts 10:4
[6] Matthew 20:26-28
[7] Colossians 3:23-24