Discernment,  Discipline,  Humility,  Obedience

Sin’s Cost – Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Though we may know nothing about physics, the least knowledgeable among us knows that a person who jumps off a ten-story building will usually die.  While few of us have witnessed someone jumping off a building and the ensuing results, hearing about this inevitable fate is enough to convince us that death follows a fall from high places.  Therefore, recognizing the danger and loving life, we choose not to jump off tall buildings. 

The same survival instincts should warn us when we flirt with sin.  For just as we will die if we attempt to defy the laws of gravity by falling a great distance, so will we pay a devastating price if we leap into sin’s abyss.[1]  Therefore, those who desire to see the glory of the incorruptible God walk carefully.  They consider their steps, refusing to tread on the path leading to disaster, which starts with failure to honor God and to give Him thanks in all circumstances.  They refuse to disobey the Lord’s statutes since disobedience leads to wickedness and ultimately, death.[2]

Though sin offers a form of pleasure at its onset, its rewards come at a bitterly high and distinctly painful cost.  How sad are those who look upon the devastation their blatant, chronic sin has caused their families and themselves, as they ask, “How did we get here?” 

“One step away from Me at a time,” the Lord responds.  “With the first bite from the forbidden fruit, you began your ruin, and you slipped further into sin’s grip with each ensuing bite.  Did I not give you freedom to enjoy life to the fullness, asking only that you love, honor, and obey Me and stay away from things that would bring you death?[3]  You have brought this evil upon yourself.”[4] 

Deceived into thinking they could inherit the kingdom of God while living in unrighteousness,[5] shunning the sanctification and justification of Jesus, these distressed souls will endure sin’s pernicious consequences. 

Joy of joy, sin has no power over those, who by God’s grace, have entered into eternal life in Christ Jesus.[6]  The indwelling Holy Spirit gives us victory over sin as we strive to follow Jesus’ instruction to sin no more.[7]  As we walk in righteousness and practice justice, shunning every form of idolatry and dishonesty, we will grow stronger in faith.  As we give generously to those less fortunate, obey the instruction and admonition of the Lord, and walk in humility with Him, living in virtue with Jesus, we will enjoy abundant life, not only throughout eternity, but also on this earth.[8]

[1] Romans 6:21

[2] Romans 1:28-32

[3] Genesis 2:16-17 (paraphrased)

[4] Isaiah 3:9-11 (paraphrased)

[5] 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

[6] Romans 6:22

[7] John 8:11

[8] Ezekiel 18:5-9