Discernment,  Grace,  Judgment,  Love

Speculation – Acts 15:8

And God, who knows the heart, testified to them giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He also did to us.

Our heavenly Father alone knows a person’s heart, and He alone is able to discern its thoughts and intents.[1]  In His infinite wisdom and mercy, He has not granted us the ability to read other’s minds or to peer into their hearts in order to learn their hidden motives and desires. 

Therefore, those of us who choose to honor God and walk in the everlasting way will guard our own hearts while refusing to speculate about others’ motives or to attribute devious and malicious intents to their actions.  To do otherwise is foolish[2] and disobedient to the Lord’s instruction to avoid slander and judgment.[3]  When we judge another’s heart, we are without excuse since God’s ordinances[4] teach that instead of accusing one another, we are to dwell on whatever things are true.[5]  We are to put aside speculation, which distracts us and leads us into false judgment.[6]

Before articulating an opinion on why another did thus and so, we need to ask ourselves if we have the facts or if we are merely speculating.  If the latter is true, we are fabricating the other’s motives since we have no power to know anyone’s thoughts and plans, and speculation is tantamount to lying.  Such behavior serves no one well.  Rather than entering into sin against our brothers and sisters by attempting to divine their intents, we do better to remain silent, just as we should even when we know the truth, but recognize revealing is not beneficial for the building up of the body of Christ.[7]

Out of your desire to love others as Jesus loves you and to follow His instructions, put a guard over your mouth and place a watchman in front of the door to your lips.[8]  Fellowship with the truth and avoid useless and harmful speculation.  Rather trust God, who knows the heart, to deal with each person according to His kind intentions toward them.[9]

[1] Hebrews 4:12

[2] Proverbs 10:18

[3] Colossians 3:8, Luke 6:37

[4] Romans 2:1, 1:32

[5] Philippians 4:8

[6] 1 Timothy 1:4

[7] Ephesians 4:12

[8] Psalm 141:3

[9] Ephesians 1:5

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