Faith,  Hope,  Humility,  Praise,  Purpose

Spirit Led – Galatians 5:25

If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.

Imagine a day when after you start your morning with a joyous time of praise and revelation in God’s Word.  You commit to being a faithful ambassador for Christ this day,[1] and you listen for the Holy Spirit to whisper, “This is the way; walk in it.”[2]  With your heart, mind, and body refreshed, revitalized, and refocused, you set out on your day with no agenda other than to serve in whatever good purpose the Lord, who works wonders in and among His people,[3] has prepared for you. 

Imagine that on this day, the Lord works miraculously in you, drawing you near to a woman who had just looked into her soul and found it lost and hungering for something to fill the endless void, and the Lord gives you words of life to share with her.  You stop by some friends’ home, although you had not intended to and had never done so before, bringing what they urgently needed.  You bump into a Christian sister who had just cried out to the Lord for a compassionate ear to listen to her all-encompassing struggles, and together you share an uplifting time of encouragement and prayer.  You call a friend you have not spoken with for over a year and learn he is in despair and desperate to hear about the God for whom he has shown only disdain countless times before.  

Such a day, such a life, is attainable, for God is looking for those who will serve Him with committed hearts and willing spirits.  He is looking for those who will seek Him, for in so doing, they will find Him, gaining the understanding, wisdom, loving-kindness, and power needed to be His servant working in regions populated by the walking dead into which He desires to send them.[4]

Walk by the Spirit and pray, and you will hear the Lord instructing you in the way in which you should go.[5]  Yield yourself to Him, fulfilling His plans for you, and as you do, by His grace, you will produce that which has an eternal weight of glory, that which is beyond comparison with all that your eyes have seen and your heart has dreamed.[6] 

Live in the light of God’s glory, and you will hear His voice, and upon recognizing His Spirit leading you, follow Him into places where angels rejoice and saints sing, places into which your earthbound soul longs to go.[7]

[1] 2 Corinthians 5:20

[2] Isaiah 30:21

[3] Psalm 77:14

[4] 1 Chronicles 28:9

[5] Psalm 32:8

[6] 2 Corinthians 4:17

[7] Psalm 45:15