Spiritual Sight – John 9:25
He then answered, “Whether He is a sinner, I do not know; one thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.”
Who among us can explain the miracle of salvation?
Though learned people give us valuable insights and worthwhile theological explanations about this gift from God, elucidating the Gospel for us, blessing us with their knowledge and understanding of Scripture, we all stand before our Lord like the sightless man of old, knowing only that we were blind, but now we see. Recognizing our lack of merit, we stand in awe before our faithful Lord wondering why He would grant us the privilege of adoption into His family, reconciling us to Himself through His Son.
Truly, God’s loving-kindness is amazing, for we cannot comprehend an act of grace so profound that it set us free from our pride and arrogance to bring us into union with Christ Jesus. As the recipients of so gracious a gift, we proclaim, without doubt or reservation, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!â€[1] We speak from the revelation of Him that fills our hearts because, though we were lost in our transgressions, He came and took away the stain of our sins, setting us free,giving us vision to see His majesty in spirit and in truth. Though we have not placed our hands into His wounded side, we have seen and known His goodness and kindness in remarkable,tangible ways.[2] We know that our Lord is the living God because His Spirit dwells within us, making His blessing known to us,[3] enabling us to recognize His loving-kindness toward us as we seek Him through prayer, His Word, and His people.
Our blinded eyes see, and therefore, we know Christ is our Savior, our Comforter, and our All in All. He has given us a vision of His glory as He perfects us in the unity of the Spirit and as He teaches us about the Father’s love for us that existed before He laid the foundations of the world.[4] He is our Light, our ever-present Friend, and our Defender; this we know and joyfully proclaim.[5]
The light of Jesus, who is the one true Light of the World,[6] arises in the darkness, illuminating the hearts, minds,souls, and spirits of those who gain their righteousness in Him.[7] Once we have encountered Him, our blinded eyes see, our deaf ears hear, and our hearts of stone turn into flesh, and in childlike faith we testify, “We were blind, but now we see.â€[8]
Your love amazes me
By Your touch, my blind eyes see
By mercy, grace, You set me free
Your love amazes me
Your love emboldens me
To say, “I cannot tell you how I see
I only know when He touched me
Though I was blind, now I can seeâ€
[1] John 1:29
[2] John 20:27-29
[3] 1 Corinthians 2:12
[4] John 17:23-26
[5] Psalm 27:1-14
[6] John 9:5
[7] Psalm 112:4
[8] Luke 4:18-19