Springtime – Song of Solomon 2:11
For behold, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone.
Predictable and faithful as the sun is to rise in the east each morning, spring follows winter. The warmth of the new season chases away the cold. Rejuvenated by sunshine and warmer temperatures, the earth pushes crocuses and snowdrops through the thawing ground to color our landscapes and gladden our souls. The robins’ and chickadees’ melodies awaken our hibernating spirits.[1] With the darkness of winter past, we arise to sunshine and enjoy daylight long after we have finished our workday. Springtime, glorious and rejuvenating, oh, the happiness it brings.
Just as the mildness of spring displaces the harshness of winter, the joy of oneness with Christ displaces the sorrow of separation from Him. Just as the frozen ground awakens in the spring, our stone-cold hearts awaken with the touch of the living God and the love of Christ.[2] Delivered from barrenness and distress, no longer struggling to survive Arctic bleakness, in Christ we gain an inner peace and exuberance for life that comes only with receiving and returning His love.[3] For as we present ourselves before the Lord, with arms outstretched, seeking more of Him, He will refresh us like spring rain watering the earth.[4]
Allow the sunshine of fellowship with Christ to fill your autumn, winter, spring, and summer. In autumn’s dampness and winter’s frost, as in spring’s warmth and summertime’s sunshine, you can be warm, safe, and excited at being alive as everything within you rejoices at the privilege of loving the Lord and receiving His love for you. Entrust Him with your heart, allowing Him to make you exuberantly alive and joyously excited to approach your days in Him.
Stroll arm in arm with Christ in the springtime of devotion. Breathe in the sweet perfume arising from the earth, and the fragrance of the blooming flowers will uplift you. Look at Jesus, and you will behold His beauty. Listen to the invigorating sounds of eternal spring, and they will bring you good cheer. Delight in the Lord, and He will give you the delight that comes when the winter is past and springtime fills your soul.[5]
Summer, autumn, winter, spring
The melodies of heaven sing
Sweet fragrances rise offering
The promises that faith will bring
Blossoms budding in the soul
Jesus brought into the fold
A broken heart, healed, made whole
Uplifted hands to praise, extol
The One who woke the sleeping heart
The One who counted not the start
The One who laid out plan and chart
Designed to set a life apart
For unending days of praise
For beauty to astound, amaze
For joy within the soul to raise
For love that sets the heart ablaze
[1]Song of Solomon 2:12-13
[2]Song of Solomon 5:1-2
[3] Isaiah 55:2
[4] Hosea 6:3
[5] Psalm 4:7