Steadfastness – Ephesians 6:13
Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.
Follow Jesus Christ, and station yourself upon Him, the solid rock upon which we can stand, and you will stand therefore.[1]
Twisters may devastate the land around you and waters may overflow the riverbanks engulfing your territory, but you, having determined to walk by faith, not sight, will be unshaken, safe in your position in the cleft of the mighty mountain. Although fear attacks and conflict rages, although your dreams fade and trials abound, you will not faint, for you will know that the Lord, in whom you have entrusted your life and upon whose shoulders you have laid your concerns, will sustain you.[2] He will prevent the winds from tearing you apart or the waters from sweeping you away. Though your eyes may see only danger and your mind argues against faith, you will be safe and in this safety, emboldened to remain steadfast in the Lord’s loving care and provision.
Be like the sparrow standing secure upon a tiny perch just above the rising river, with its face upturned toward heaven. Look to the Lord, and trust in His faithfulness, and He will surround you with His glory and breathe courage into you, so you will be able to endure and persevere through whatever comes against you. Keep in your remembrance the Lord’s promise that nothing can separate you from His love, not tribulation, danger, or physical distress.[3] Live within the powerful and indestructible walls of His protection and loving-kindness, and He will make you glad.[4] By His grace, He will purify your heart, making you stronger and more confident, so your feet will stay upon the path of righteousness.
Determine to stand firm in Christ and to remain resolute in faith when adversity strikes. Ask the Lord to give you a steadfast spirit,[5] and believe in His power to protect you and to provide for you. Hold fast through fear, loss, and tears to the imperishable promises your Father has made to you. Rely on Him to keep you from falling. Rest in Him, and He will uphold you, making you holy and, thereby, worthy to reside in His presence.[6]
Stand firm in the Lord, and when you have done all you can, continue to stand firm, so you will know the sweet, uninterrupted peace that comes with placing your confidence in Him.[7]
I behold the beauty of the Lord
And dwell within His righteous place
Meditating in His temple
Standing in His love and grace
Concealed in time of trouble
Safe within the hallowed halls
Defended by the army
Encamped around the palace walls
With my head held high, unflinching
Although my sight might give me pause
I stand unafraid and steadfast
For the Lord upholds my cause
[1] 2 Samuel 22:3, Psalm 62:2
[2] Psalm 55:22
[3] Romans 8:35
[4] Psalm 16:8-9
[5] Psalm 51:10
[6] Jude 24
[7] John 7:38