Strength in the Lord – Judges 5:31
Thus let all Your enemies perish, O Lord; but let those who love Him be like the rising of the sun in its might.” And the land was undisturbed for forty years.
As those called to eternal glory in Christ, we are our heavenly Father’s workmanship, and His Spirit is confirming, fortifying, and establishing us, day by day, just has He has preordained.[1] Therefore, we need not dwell on our imperfections and weaknesses. Rather we should be of good courage, for the Lord, in whom our fainting hearts find strength,[2] is working to perfect us. He is transforming us into mighty warriors and preparing us for battle, so we might destroy any created thing that would rise up to frighten or discourage us, thereby weakening us and making us impotent in our service for the cause of Christ.[3]
Our hearts need not quake in fear of the forces lying in ambush to drag us off the road of sanctification where they, having isolated us, can disarm and cripple us. For the Lord, our strength and joy, gives us a new battle song of worship and exaltation,[4] and He equips us to conquer and vanquish our enemies. He is our rock and our refuge,[5] our leader who empowers us to perform astonishing works for His kingdom on earth.[6] He undergirds us with His strong arms as He prepares the way for us, and He makes us surefooted for our climb on the rocky heights along the Highway of Holiness.[7]
Seek to understand the transforming power of Jesus Christ, breathed by the Holy Spirit into His beloved, and ask God to give you the wisdom to recognize that you, whom the Spirit built up in faith upon the Cornerstone of the church, are not weak and defenseless, not easily knocked down. See yourself, through the eyes of grace, as strong, ready for the good fight, armed with the might of the King. Walk in His strength, knowing that He, the Lord of Light, is beside you, and be confident that His light, which destroys the darkness and the minions crouching in it, is shining through you.
With praise and thanksgiving for
who you are in Christ, ask the Lord to give you a vision of your place within
His camp as His holy foot soldier. Walk
in His fullness and grow powerful in Him, as He prepares you for the ministry
of reconciliation to which He has commissioned you.[8] Live in unity with
the Lord, and you will become more than a conqueror in Him.[9]
[1] 1 Peter 5:10
[2] Psalm 31:24
[3] Zechariah 10:5
[4] Exodus 15:2, Psalm 40:3
[5] Psalm 62:7
[6]Jeremiah 15:11
[7] Psalm 18:32-33
[8] Philippians 4:13
[9] Hebrews 11:32-34