Abide,  Discernment,  Faith,  Obedience,  Trust,  Wisdom

Success – Numbers 11:23

The Lord said to Moses, “Is the Lord’s power limited?  Now you shall see whether My word will come true for you or not.”

God desires to give us blessed lives, victorious lives.  As a loving Father, He promises us, His people, no less than success wherever we go and in whatever we do.[1]  Yet success eludes us so frequently because of our faintheartedness, disobedience, stubbornness, and fear.  We will succeed when we remain steadfast in God’s will; walking by faith and in obedience to Him; seeking His direction and praying unceasingly.

Never was a mission more successful than that of Abraham’s servant who traveled to a foreign land to find a wife for Isaac.  The obedient servant set out according to Abraham’s instructions armed only with faith in the promise that God’s angel would walk ahead of him, preparing the way.  Having arrived at his destination, he covered his undertaking with prayer, asking the Lord, in His loving-kindness, to grant him success, not for himself, but for the one whom he served.  His prayer was still on his lips when the Lord answered it, and as he remained faithful to the cause of his master, he saw the Lord work in miraculous ways, opening doors, and changing hearts to make his undertaking an amazing success.[2]

The Lord desires to bless His people no less today than He did in Abraham’s time.  He delights in granting us the desires of our hearts, and He longs to lead us into beautiful places where peace reigns and glory shines.  Will we follow Him? 

Were we to dwell on the impediments to success and our own puny resources, we would indeed feel like grasshoppers facing giants, but we are not constrained by what we see with our eyes or limited to what we hold in our hands.[3]  For those who place their trust in the One with unlimited resources and ultimate power will see the Lord’s provision firsthand and will learn that His promises are true. 

Live like Daniel, the devoted young man in ancient Babylon.  He set his heart on following God and kept his eyes on Him, and though he went through experiences as a captive in a foreign land that would stop the heart of one with lesser faith, the Lord ultimately showed him the victory for which he had prayed.[4]  Sharpen your mind with wisdom, knowing that those who walk in it, triumph.[5]  Prepare your heart, putting your confidence in the Lord, remembering always what God has done for you, and He will help you succeed in all He has called you to do.[6]

[1] Joshua 1:7

[2] Genesis 24:2-58

[3] Numbers 13:33, 14:5-9

[4] Daniel 6:25-28, 9:20-23

[5] Ecclesiastes 10:10

[6] Psalm 78:7