Abide,  Discernment,  Discipline,  Humility

Sweet Friendship – Psalm 148:8

Let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning; for I trust in You; teach me the way in which I should walk.

How desperately we need the Lord’s wisdom, grace, and mercy if we are to walk in a manner worthy of our God.  How dependent we are on His Holy Spirit to guide us in paths of righteousness,[1] and how blessed we are that He is faithful, ever faithful to do so.

Consider David, who from a deep desire to honor God, would not harm Saul though the king hunted him as if he were a traitorous dog.  David, after refusing to murder the sleeping king with the spear sticking in the ground beside his head, later told Saul, “May the Lord avenge me on you; but my hand shall not be against you.â€[2] Yet on the next page of Scripture, we read an account of David preparing to slaughter Nabal and all the males of his household for refusing to provide provisions for his men in reciprocation for the protection David’s men has given him.[3]  The committed soul, who would not strike a treacherous, powerful enemy obsessed with killing him, became overcome with murderous anger and revenge over Nabal scornful refusal to show kindness and generosity.  Talk about never taking your own revenge, but leaving room for the wrath of God![4]  David went from submissive, obedient servant of God to madman when the right provocation caught him during a time in the wilderness.

Having seen my own resolve to walk humbly with my God, while allowing the light of Jesus to shine through me, evaporate at the first twinge of temptation or hint of disrespect, I dare not think myself invulnerable to egregious behavior in a moment of weakness.  I know I must diligently watch over my heart,[5] putting on the Lord Jesus Christ[6] if I am to stand firm against enticement into untoward behavior and unwholesome actions.

How grateful I am for Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, who comes into our hearts to dine with us when we open their doors and invite Him in.[7]  How precious are times of fellowship with Him, for He is faithful to instruct us, teaching us the way we should go, giving us counsel and watching over us.[8]  How valuable a weapon is the Word of God stored in our hearts, so we may not sin against our Holy God.[9] 

Dine daily with the Lord, your God, and study His Word, delighting in sweet friendship while fortifying your soul.  

[1] Proverbs 2:20

[2] 1 Samuel 24:12b

[3] 1 Samuel 25:21-22

[4] Romans 12:19

[5] Psalm 4:23

[6] Romans 13:14

[7] Revelation 3:20

[8] Psalm 32:8

[9] Psalm 119:11