Thanksgiving – Ephesians 5:20
Always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father.
When we rise, our awakening minds should thank the Lord for His goodness and for the day we will spend in His presence.[1] When we lie down to sleep, before we fall into slumber, we should thank Him for the day that was, the day that He provided, the day in which we knew Him and loved Him, having been known and loved by Him. With joy, we should delight in His loving-kindness in the morning and His faithfulness at night.[2] Throughout the day, our hearts should express gratitude that He, having rooted us in Himself, is building us up and establishing our faith.[3] Songs of praise and stories of His wonders should be on our lips, and gladness for the privilege of being a child of God should bubble up from the deep well of thankfulness within us.[4]
Like the fragrance of lilacs in spring is the thanksgiving of the saints, and happy are they who practice it faithfully according to the Word of God. Having drunk the antidote for a downcast and frightened spirit, the thankful at heart do not live under clouds of depression nor struggle in the grip of fear. No pain can crush their spirits, though their losses may be extreme, though their sorrow may be deep, for they worship the Lord with devout and profound appreciation for His blessings.[5] No tribulation can eradicate their hope, for they pray, with thanksgiving, to the Lord without regard for circumstances.[6] They, having put their trust in the everlasting loving-kindness of the Lord, have joy in their hearts and peace in their souls.[7]
Do you want a joyful, fulfilled life? Give thanks to the Lord. Drop to your knees as you get out of bed, and thank Him for that which is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy.[8] Rejoice in the security of Jesus’ love, and thank Him for your sorrows, trials, and difficulties with the same yielded, trusting heart as when your life is full of roses and cloudless blue skies. Place your confidence in Him, putting your faith in the mighty God who reigns over the heavens and the earth, and you will not be disappointed in the blessed future the Lord has planned for you.
Oh, give thanks to the Lord. Offer Him your sacrifice of praise, which flows naturally from those who give thanks to His holy name.[9] Give thanks!
[1] Psalm 118:1
[2] Psalm 92:2
[3] Colossians 2:7
[4] 1 Chronicles 16:8-16
[5] Job 1:20-22
[6] Philippians 4:6
[7] Psalm 106:1
[8] Philippians 4:8
[9] Hebrews 13:15