The Battle is The Lord’s – 2 Chronicles 20:17
You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out to face them, for the Lord is with you.
In this world, intermixed with joy and success, we will know tribulation. Our hearts will break and friends will betray, but we can take courage, for Christ has overcome the world.[1] When we fix our eyes on Jesus, our Lord, our Protector, our Friend, we can position ourselves to persevere against opposition, desertion, persecution, and disappointment. In the midst of struggle and pain, the enemy of our soul will attack us, attempting to shroud our minds in darkness, but when we make the Lord our trust and hope, we can stand brave and courageous, not crumbling in terror, nor quaking in distress.
Jehoshaphat knew where he could find help to face impending disaster. In grave peril, under attack by powerful enemies, he did not attempt to protect himself and his people. Rather he went to the Lord in prayer and with fasting. He sought His mighty ally and faithful protector, the Lord God Almighty. He called upon the Lord’s holy name, bringing his petitions before Him,[2] and he was not disappointed. The Lord heard his prayers and fought the battle for him, bringing him to victory, and restoring him to safety.
We, like Jehoshaphat, need not fight in the battles raging around us, for the One who reigns over our enemies, fights for us. Though we are powerless against the multitude plotting our ruin, we need not fear nor become dismayed because God is with us, and the battle is His, not ours.[3]
Whatever the attacks from without or the disappointments from within, take heart, for you are not defenseless. Those who are with us are more than those who are against us. The Lord has filled the mountains around you with His soldiers, horses, and chariots of fire.[4] Ask Him to open your eyes that you might see them. He is your Defender, Champion, and Stronghold,[5] the mighty Tower to whom you may run for safety.[6] He is the Shield about you, your glory, and the One who lifts your head in victory.[7]
Remember, though the battle rages
hot and fierce on every side, you need not fight. The Lord will fight the battle as you, being
careful to obey His instructions, allow His Spirit to reign over you.[8] Stand and watch as
He performs miracles on your behalf, and lift up your voice in thanksgiving to
our God who gives us victory through Jesus Christ.[9]
[1] John 16:33
[2] 2 Chronicles 20:3, 6-13
[3] 2 Chronicles 20:15
[4] 2 Kings 6:15-17
[5] Isaiah 19:20, Psalm 18:2
[6] Proverbs 18:10
[7] Psalm 3:3
[8] Exodus 14:14
[9] 1 Corinthians 15:57