Tithing – Malachi 3:10
“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.”
When I became a Christian, I determined to honor the Lord by faithfully following His instruction to give, with both tithes and gifts, in response to the extravagant blessings He had poured out on me. In the ensuing forty years, as I remained steadfast in my commitment to give back a portion of the Lord’s bounty to me, He has lavishly supplied everything I needed according to His riches in glory.[1]
When I came across an old budget book, it reminded me of the Lord’s unwavering faithfulness during the lean years. I used to budget everything, so I would be able to pay major bills as they came due without using credit cards to get through the month. As I looked over the budgeted items, such as $3 trips to the soft ice cream stand, I remembered how happy I was to be able to afford luxuries such as family entertainment. I felt awe at the Lord’s provision through those years of raising three children as a single mom when no bill went unpaid, no need was unmet, and no unbudgeted expenses raised fear in my heart.
The Lord sent no great windfalls, and I kept that budget book for years, but He had indeed “opened the windows of heaven and poured out a blessing until it overflowed.”[2] He provided for my family’s needs by giving me a job I loved and increasing my salary over time, eventually eliminating the need for a tight budget.[3] He protected us by keeping us healthy and safe, making it impossible to measure the cost of problems we never encountered. He kept my desires in line with my income. I did not suffer because I could not afford new furniture, cars, or clothes. I was happy and felt rich, and indeed, I was rich by the world’s standards.
Always remember that everything
you have comes from God, and ask yourself, “Who am I that I should be able to
give so generously?”[4] Let your heart
overflow with gratitude, and praise God for the privilege of giving your tithes
and gifts out of the abundance you have received from His hand. Delight in His kindness as you give with
gladness. “Taste and see that the
Lord is good,”[5] and believe in His faithfulness. Remain ever constant in your support of God’s
ministries and your charity towards those in need, and look in amazement at the
great quantity you have left in your hand after you have given much.[6]
I thought I’d make a sacrifice
And give unto the Lord
Carefully, I budgeted
Trusting that I could afford
To remain steadfast
In the promise I had made
To obey God’s teaching
Making sure my tithes were paid
Weekly I placed the money
Into the offering plate
And gave as other needs arose
Knowing luxuries could wait
And remarkable things happened
For my well was never dry
My purse was never empty
All essentials I could buy
My appliances kept running
Though long past obsolete
I wrote the checks as bills came in
For my taxes, light, and heat
And my awestruck heart rejoiced
Knowing that I was rich indeed
For the Lord was kind and faithful
To provide for every need
[1] Philippians 4:19
[2] Malachi 3:10
[3] Psalm 132:15
[4] 1 Chronicles 29:9-16
[5] Psalm 34:8
[6] 2 Chronicles 31:10