Courage,  Fear,  Trust

Trials – Psalm 57:1

Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me, for my soul takes refuge in You; and in the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge until destruction passes by.

Rare is the life free from serious trials.  Whether our suffering comes from a loved one’s premature death, desertion by a spouse, a painful illness, rejection by a child, or some other soul-piercing grief, most of us will know a sorrow that we can survive only through the sustaining kindness of God.  In such times, we must depend on Him for our breath, for the endurance to make it through the night, and for the strength to begin a new day.  Though tears may drench our beds and grief may blur our vision,[1] by God’s grace, we need not forsake our hope, for our Lord will never forsake us.  We need not languish in despair.  Rather we can look to the heavens and receive the promise of a bright and beautiful eternity with our Lord, and He will make our hearts glad once again,[2] giving us a new song, a song of joy.[3] 

During the time of my most severe trial, I cried out to the Lord that the pain was crushing, and He answered me.  Though I was sad, burdened excessively, I knew I was not alone.  From almost the first moment of distress, an assurance came from deep within my soul that I could endure as I rested in His grace and awaited His excellent timing when laughter would replace my tears.  I knew that weeping might last for a season, but with the dawn, exuberant joy would once again arise within me,[4] and I have not been disappointed, for God has been faithful to dry my eyes and fulfill my hope.

Has your path led you into a deep valley where pain and sorrow have surrounded you and claimed victory over joy and peace?  Do not lose heart; the Lord is beside you, protecting you.  Run into the shelter of His compassion as He covers you with His love.  Receive the life He has granted you, receive it in its fullest abundance, for He will be faithful to care for you and to preserve your spirit.[5] 

When trials threaten to overtake you, do not fear, for they will not.  Take refuge in the shadow of the Lord’s wings.  Lean on Him, and you will find Him to be your strength, your friend, your all in all, the brilliance in your night.

You were my Strength
When pain captured my night
You were my Help
When all others took flight

You were my Love
Whom I trusted to care
You were my Joy
Who dispelled my despair

A father to a weeping child
A husband, friend, and lover
My all in all, my everything
My sister and my brother

The beauty that my eyes beheld
The softness that I touched
The sweetness that enriched my life
The sturdy arm I clutched

The true desire of my heart
The tenderness I feel
The laughter chasing ‘way the blues
All I know that’s good and real

You’re kindness, hope personified
The source of my delight
You’re the morning star, the noonday sun
The brilliance in my night

[1] Psalm 6:6-7

[2] Psalm 33:21

[3] Isaiah 30:29

[4] Psalm 30:5

[5] Job 10:12

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