True Beauty – Psalm 139:14
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.
Many are deceived into denying their beauty as the cherished and beloved bride of Christ. Having succumbed to the deceiver’s lies and society’s marketing hype, they see themselves as ugly and flawed rather than understanding that they are fearfully and wonderfully made, exquisite creations of the living God.
Were we not “skillfully wrought” by the Creator Himself; did He not write our names in the Book of Life before we were born; and did He not know us intimately while we were yet in our mother’s womb?[1] Has not the Lord created us for divine works, having consecrated us for His good purposes before our conception?[2] Imagine; the Master Sculptor sculpted your nose, your mouth, and your cheekbones. Your face and body are not some accident of genetics, but the unique design of an artist with limitless creativity and boundless love for the one created. To criticize the creation is to accuse the Creator of making the unlovely.
We are God’s wonderfully made creations, for He formed us in His own image,[3] and upon beholding His workmanship, He declared it good.[4] He made us works of art, magnificent in design, costly and precious, for His name’s sake. He made us perfectly, in wisdom,[5] for an eternal purpose that we might serve Him and produce fruit for His kingdom. He made us of priceless value, for in Christ, we are the stones in the crown shining throughout His land.[6] Through the righteousness of Jesus, He gave us inner beauty that we might declare His praise with voices raised to rejoice in knowing Him,[7] and He filled our consecrated hearts with light, so we might shine for His glory.
Rejoice in knowing that you are
the work of God’s hand, unique and majestic.[8] Sparkle, turning
all the facets of your loveliness to the sun, letting your light shine on the
hilltop, and you will bring glory to the Lord your God, as others see you in
all your God-bestowed beauty.[9]
Precious in My sight
You are precious in My sight
Delicate and beautiful
My treasure, joy, delight
Lovely to behold
I find you lovely to behold
Crowned in grace, clothed in truth
As your days of hope unfold
Wrapped within My love
I’ve wrapped you within My love
Safe, protected, My hedge surrounds
My shield below, above
Purified as gold
All unloveliness was sold
Purchased and burned, to free, secure
My beloved of purest gold
[1] Psalm 139:15-16
[2] Jeremiah 1:5
[3] Genesis 1:27
[4] Genesis 1:31
[5] Psalm 104:24
[6] Zechariah 9:16
[7] Isaiah 43:7,21
[8] Psalm 92:4, Psalm 111:2-3
[9] Matthew 5:16

That is a beautiful devotional! Thank you for reminding us of our Heavnly Father and His intimate care in every aspect of our creation.
Tia Goodrich
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.