Trust – Matthew 6:10
Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Dare we pray it? Dare we lay our needs and deepest desires before our Lord and pray, “Do what is best in these matters?” Dare we come enthusiastically into the holy sanctuary, with uncrossed fingers and ask our Father to accomplish His will above the plans we have devised? Dare we trust with our whole hearts that if we will but follow Him, the Lord will lead us into a place of exuberant joy, a place where everything within us and around us rejoices in celebration over our triumph in Him?[1]
I confess I too often have dared not. When faced with a frightening or seemingly overwhelming set of circumstances, my heart has revealed closed off compartments, which I had refused to surrender to the perfect care of my Lord. My faith can become weak; my hunger and thirst for more of Jesus can seek worldly scraps from which to seek satisfaction. I can begin to fear my Father in heaven will respond to my request for bread with a stone.[2] My confidence in the riches of His grace and the vastness of His compassion for me as His beloved daughter can fly away,[3] leaving me standing on the border looking into the bountiful land He set aside for me,[4] afraid to enter. Yet, I need not have foregone the joy set before me.
Ever gracious, the Lord delights in increasing our faith and deepening our love for Him. As we seek Him, we will dwell more frequently with our Beloved, allowing His everlasting arms to support us as we consider the mysteries of life.[5] He will us lead to higher places where, in the brilliance of His majesty and the safety of His shield about us, our hearts can overcome fear of the unknown and we can pray in truth for His will to be done.”[6]
As you pray, lifting this simple
prayer before the Father, consider the sincerity of your heart and its willingness
to trust Him, without setting boundaries on your faith. Open the sealed doors that hide the things
you have reserved. Ask that He might
give you a childlike trust in His faithfulness to you as His dearly loved
child. Pray, “Your will be done,” with a
humble and sincere heart. Walk in faith,
following as the exalted King of kings raises you to a lofty and holy place
where you will dwell with Him, glorying in His will, delighting in His goodness
to you.[7]
Dare I pray it, Lord
In the flood and fire
Dare I believe, Dear Lord
Your ways take ever higher
Dare I pray Your will
On this earth be done
Though my sight denies
You truly have begun
To perform a work
To my cause uphold
To deliver me
To Your plan unfold
Turn my seed of faith
Into a sprawling tree
Make my hidden lamp
To light for all to see
The holy, lofty place
Awaiting one who dares
To pray, “Your will be done”
To trust You with all cares
[1] Isaiah 55:12
[2] Matthew 7:7-11
[3] Psalm 103:13
[4] Leviticus 20:24
[5] Deuteronomy 33:27
[6] Deuteronomy 33:29
[7] Isaiah 57:15