Faith,  Trust

Trust – Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.

Have I not yet learned to trust in the Lord?  Shall I once again wander into the unsettled territory of doubt and fear?  Will I continually contrive to help Him provide for my desires? 

Sometimes, it seems as if it were so, for I too often depend on my own understanding as I approach the struggles, challenges, and disappointments of life.  Yet, hope that I might gain an enduring faith arises in my soul, for the Lord is my hope.[1]  He has remained faithful to me even when I have failed to place my confidence in Him.  He has walked beside me even when I have taken a well-worn detour into forbidden lands.  He has not tired of me nor abandoned me even though I have grown bone-weary of my heart’s inconstancy.

His loving-kindness surrounds me, bringing faith with the daybreak after a night of faint-heartedness.  He takes my hand and leads me back to the fountain of peace and joy, for He seeks after me when I wander into remote places.[2]  He inspires my heart to fly beyond my sight to the refuge of His care, to abide under His protection.  He does not reprimand me for my lack of trust.  Rather He extends His arms to me, welcoming me once again into His presence.  He assures me that while His ways are not my ways, I will one day understand that they are far superior over any of my imaginings.[3]  He leads me to shores of quiet waters where I can take comfort in the promise that He has a beautiful plan for me, a plan for my well-being, a plan that holds out a future and a hope to me.[4] 

Can you relate?  Are unbelief and apprehension disquieting your heart?  If so, refuse to succumb to their downward pull.  Rather, be of good cheer, and don the armor of courage and faith, denying fear a victory over you.  Rejoice, for the Lord is with you.[5]  Trust in Him.[6]  Run into the tower of His mercy and tenderness, and rest in His loving arms, depending on Him, leaning on His wisdom, not yours.  Make Him your confidence, believing without reserve that He will be faithful in His provision for you, and righteousness will go before you with the glory of the Lord as your rear guard.[7]

The hint of a threat and my heart’s gripped with fear
Until I remember my Savior is near
He’s promised to help me, to give strength to stand
And to uphold me in His righteous right hand

When struggles and trials in my life abound
And myriad problems encroach and surround
Though hurt and discouraged, I call out to Him
In His radiant presence, my troubles grow dim

As ambitions and plans all end up in vain
And selfish desires would drive me insane
I envision my Lord, gentle and humble
In His peace, I watch as sand castles crumble

I’ve learned to depend on my Lord for all things
Securely to walk ‘neath the span of His wings
Let seas rage around me, false idols crash down
I walk dry and unscathed upon the high ground

[1] Psalm 71:5

[2] Psalm 139:9-10

[3] Isaiah 55:8-9

[4] Psalm 23:2, Jeremiah 29:11

[5] Zephaniah 3:17

[6] Psalm 62:8

[7] Isaiah 58:8