Turning From Sin – Isaiah 59:8
Behold, the Lord’s hand is not so short that it cannot save; nor is His ear so dull that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.
None of us would serve our families spoiled food. If we learned of some contaminant in our home, we would tear through our cabinets, clearing our shelves of groceries we suspected might be tainted. We would grab our children and flee if a deadly substance were in the air or walls. We respond swiftly, uncompromisingly to threats we could see, smell, or comprehend.
As Christians, we would do well to do the same with the sin in our lives. With the same urgency as we would run from a natural gas leak, we should seek sin out and finding it ensconced in our hearts, we should rid ourselves of it,[1] tearing down the high places where destroyers such as malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander reside.[2] Through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, we should refuse to participate in strife, anger, gossip, arrogance, impurity, or immorality. We should forgive all wrongs that others have inflicted upon us, so we are free from the price sin demands of an unforgiving heart.
Out of our desire for deeper fellowship with the Lord and greater usefulness for His kingdom, we should not allow sin to make us spiritually impotent. To fulfill our hunger for holiness, we should dismiss the enemies of our peace and joy when they entice us, dressing ourselves in the full armor of God, so we can stand firm through the spiritual battle without ceding our lives to sin.[3]
Having resolved to turn from sin, lay aside every entanglement and encumbrance.[4] Desire a pure heart and steadfast spirit, so you may dwell in the center of God’s love. Meditate on the Word, allowing its flawless and immutable law to lead you away from temptation.[5] Keep yourself close to Him, confessing your sins when you fall, receiving the Lord’s forgiveness for your iniquities, spiritual healing from your wounds, and deliverance from all unrighteousness.[6]
By the healing power that flows from the Lord Jesus Christ
into those who will receive it, turn away from sin, so your prayers reach the
throne room of God. Break free from sin’s
clutches and you will be free indeed:[7]
free to know the joy of unencumbered fellowship with the Lord and free to watch
in delight as the Lord responds to your righteous prayers.[8]
How blessed is the relief from the burden of my sin
How light my step without the weight of my anger and bitterness
How full my joy as I enter into the Lord’s presence
Without the shame of my not-so-well hidden transgressions
How complete the forgiveness of the Father as I confess and repent of my sin
How calm is my heart as I trust not in any created thing and turn away from worthless idols
How exciting is the promise of good work the Lord will do in me now that I am free
Now that I am free indeed
[1] Deuteronomy 12:2-3
[2] 1 Peter 2:1
[3] Ephesians 6:13
[4] Hebrews 12:1
[5] Psalm 37:31
[6] Psalm 103:2-4
[7] John 8:36
[8] Proverbs 15:29