Faith,  Fear,  Praise,  Trust

Unbelief – Matthew 8:26

He said to them, “Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?”  Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm.

Unbelief cripples our souls and tortures our minds.  It leads us into sin and prevents us from dwelling in the safe, plentiful land of joy where our Lord awaits us.  It lays the foundation for everything unholy and unclean within us, and it shrouds our eyes, preventing us from seeing God’s glory. 

Its roots go deep into our souls, causing us to deny that God is who He says He is and to doubt that He is the first and the last,[1] the Rock of our help and praise.  It causes us to discount His everlasting love for us[2] and to devalue His desire to bless us.[3]  When we give it asylum, unbelief leads us back into darkness.  It causes us to ignore God’s sovereignty as we attempt by our own strength to fulfill our burning desires, handle life’s frightening events, and cope with sorrowful and painful experiences.  As we give its taunts consideration, we act like unbelievers, quaking and pacing, conniving and contriving, bringing ourselves into great fear where no need for fear exists.[4]  Recognizing this enemy of our soul steals our joy, we must wonder why we entertain its lies, especially when the truth abides in us today, as it will abide in us forever.[5] 

Believer, open your eyes and observe the loving-kindness of the Lord as it blankets the earth[6] and believe that He, who is great indeed, fights for you and will do good for you as He has promised if you will put your confidence in Him.[7]  By the power of God’s Word and in Jesus’ name, pull out the roots of all the misery and disquietude in your heart, and destroy all that comes against the truth of God’s faithfulness.  When doubts attempt to sprout up, come against them with prayer, praise, and thanksgiving.  Refuse to travel into the unsafe territory where fear, disillusionment, and jealousy lurk.  Rather, allow the dazzling and fragrant blossoms of love, faith, hope, trust, and compassion to grow in your heart’s fertile soil. 

Live in the Promised Land, holding fast to the promises of God, and marveling at the wonders of our Lord.[8]  Though its remnants will stay with you until your faith becomes sight and you know in full, as you have been fully known,[9] stop unbelief cold when it surfaces by turning the concerns of your heart over to your faithful God and leaving them at the foot of the Throne of Grace.

Believe in God’s grace, mercy, and goodness, and pray, “I do believe, help me in my unbelief.” [Mark 9:24]

[1] Exodus 3:14, Isaiah 44:6

[2] Jeremiah 31:3

[3] Deuteronomy 7:13

[4] Psalm 118:6

[5] 2 John 2

[6] Psalm 119:64

[7] Joshua 23:10

[8] Matthew 8:27, 9:33

[9] 1 Corinthians 13:12

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