Love,  Serving

Precious to God – Psalm 145

The Lord is good to all, and His mercies are over all His works.


Look beyond your sphere for those undiscovered treasures to whom the Lord may be calling you to extend yourself. Extreme poverty or ill-chosen actions may find them in what seems a God-forsaken place, but no one is forsaken by God, nor are they forgotten by Him. Each person is precious to Him, beautiful, a masterpiece, uniquely formed by the Creator of the glorious heavens above and majestic earth below. For God loves the desperately improvised, as He does the uber rich and all who fall in between, so unrestrainedly that He sent His only Son to reconcile to Himself those who will receive Him that they might become His children and spend eternity with Him.[1] Miserable positions, challenging entanglements do not diminish a person to Him.  His love is inclusive, for He does not want anyone to perish, but to come to repentance.[2]

Never think a person too low, too tainted to be beyond the Lord’s redemption and restoration. His offer of salvation is indiscriminate. Never think of yourself too high to extend yourself to someone far outside your circle. Look around you, look outside the comfortable boundaries within which you live and move. Look with eyes opened by the Holy Spirit to see beyond seemingly hopeless situations, impossible conditions that you might find the pearl buried in a sea of bad circumstances.

Who is the Lord calling you, His handiwork created for good works,[3] to share the Good News with, to love, to mentor, to walk beside that they might grow into the man or woman God created them to be, that they might receive the fullness of life the Lord desires for them?[4]

Listen to the Holy Spirit as He leads you to demonstrate your faith through deeds of loving kindness and generosity.[5] Joyfully obey as you minister to others in His name. Share the unsearchable riches of Christ with boldness, trusting God to honor your faithfulness and to use your service to pierce the hearts of those He has chosen. Love with your actions and in truth,[6] and do not hold back or begrudge the gifts of your time and your resources. Delight in knowing that our Father in heaven, who sees your sacrifice, will not forget your labor of love.[7]

[1] John 3:16

[2] 2 Peter 3:9

[3] Ephesians 2:10

[4] Luke 4:18-19

[5] James 2:14-17

[6] 1 John 3:18

[7] Hebrews 6:10