Unconfessed Sin – Psalm 32:3
When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away through my groaning all day long.
“How blessed is he whose sin has been forgiven, whose sin has been pardoned.”[1]
Those having unbroken fellowship with God have peace that reaches down and touches the core of their spirits. They, with their unfettered step, are living testimonies of the Lord’s faithfulness. Their exuberant joy announces to the watching world that He forgives all transgressions when we confess them from a sincere heart, one truly committed to abandoning and banishing every impure and unclean thing.
Such are we when turn from sin toward our holy God, replacing defiance with obedience, for our Father removes the stain of unrighteousness far from the repentant soul,[2] setting us free, filling us with His Spirit. Contrast this with the misery of those deceived into denying their iniquity and walking in darkness rather than the light of Jesus Christ.[3] As they mock our omniscient God, they are choosing to live in a pigsty and eat to pods intended for the swine[4] rather than to sit at the banquet table with the King of all creation under a banner of love. For those who refuse to confess and turn away from sin take a degenerating disease into their hearts, minds, and bodies, and while nothing can separate the child of God from Him, unconfessed sin drains away its slaves’ vitality and brings a multitude of sorrows.[5]
Make your heart a sanctuary for the Holy Spirit. If anything hidden is blocking the glory of God Jesus desires to pour into your heart, confess it, and be free to let the purifying love of God wash over you as rivers of living water fill the vacancy left by the vanquished enemies of your soul. Rely on the Lord’s promise to remove your sin from you as far as the east is from the west, and rejoice in a love and mercy that reaches as high as the heavens are above the earth.[6]
Praise God, for when we confess
our transgressions before our forgiving Lord, we need no longer waste away in
darkness, for we, who know, love, and obey Jesus Christ, walk in the
inextinguishable Light.[7]
Rivers of living water
Fill the recesses of my soul
Enemies lie vanquished
To never more exact a toll
Unbroken is my fellowship
With the lover of my heart
Unfettered is my step
As I joyfully embark
On an eternal journey
With the truth, the way, the light
The One who turns white as snow
Hearts blacker than the night
For my kind and gentle Lord
The cruelest sins forgave
As I confessed and turned away
From what had once enslaved
[1] Psalm 32:1
[2] Psalm 32:5
[3] 1 John 1:10
[4] Luke 15:13-16
[5] Psalm 16:4
[6] Psalm 103:11-12
[7] John 1:5