Unwise Association – Acts 20:31
Therefore be on the alert, remembering that night and day for a period of three years I did not cease to admonish each one with tears.
Each person’s life is like a novel, and others will read its chapters to learn about the author. The shallow reader will skim the pages of those with whom they associate, possibly misinterpreting when a book tells of godliness while faintly veiling the lack of reverence that marks the real character of the autobiographer.[1] This reader may trust a charlatan’s proclamations of faith in Jesus Christ, ignoring a pattern of dishonesty and disobedience to His commandments.[2] Flipping from page to page, this careless student, being foolish and gullible, may be deluded into following the unwise course of one who invokes the name of the Lord but follows after the pleasures of the world rather than living in truth and righteousness.[3] Not discerning the danger ahead, the reader may blithely follow the deceiver off the Highway of Holiness.
Such is not the fate of those who arm themselves with the truth, trusting it to protect their hearts from being led astray. They look beyond a story’s glamour and intrigue, so it does not captivate them and turn them away from serving the Lord.[4] They read the deceiver’s book with a discerning eye, as they measure the writer’s deeds against the standards set forth in the living Word of God. They will not follow an unholy example for they know that an ill-advised association with a person whose profession of faith is a sham will lead to a place where they own spirits may be corrupted.[5]
Be like those who arm themselves with the Word of Truth. Do not be steered away from the Lord by those who have forfeited their eternal souls in the pursuit of possessions and pleasures. Rather, in faith, seek the Lord’s wisdom, and He will give it to you liberally.[6] Pray for spiritual eyes to discern between true devotion and pious religiosity, so you may recognize when imposters desire to lure you away from a life of purity and holiness, that they may not enter the gates of destruction alone.
Look with eyes enlightened by the truth at a person’s deeds, and should they profess faith in our Lord but demonstrate a pattern of duplicity and deception, break off fellowship with the imposter. Rather pursue a deeper relationship with God. Guard your heart against unwise associations, so you may grow ever stronger in spirit and in truth.[7]
[1] 2 Timothy 3:2-5
[2] 1 John 2:4
[3] Isaiah 48:1
[4] Deuteronomy 11:16
[5] 1 Corinthians 15:33
[6] James 1:5
[7] John 4:24