
Victory over Sin – Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

The battle lines are drawn and combat rages. The principalities and powers of darkness have aligned themselves, determined to champion their cause and capture our hearts, making us useless for the kingdom of God. Dreadful are our foes, and woefully inadequate are the armaments we devise to repel them. We would be doomed–overpowered and defeated–had we naught but our own strength and that of others to defend us.  Were we not children of the Most High God, we would collapse against so terrifying an enemy, but blessedly, we need not give up our cause as lost.  For, in knowing that our Lord can protect us and that through Him can we prevail, rather than surrendering, we gain confidence to go boldly before the throne of grace[1] praying, “O, give us help against the adversary, for deliverance by man is in vain.”[2]

Having pitched our tents in the Lord’s campground, we receive good news from the war front, exceedingly good news. We shout, “Hooray,” and our fear melts when we hear the intelligence reports, “Christ has not left us defenseless.  Though the enemy is using every device known to people of ill will and demons to turn us away from God and carry us back into bondage, we are safe, for Christ has guaranteed our victory.”  He assures us that we will not fall prey to the wiles of the devil for His Spirit has prepared us for the battle, having clothed us in the full armor of God.[3]  By His strength, we are more than conquerors over the forces mustered to drag us into the shadows away from the radiance of God’s fellowship.[4]  We need not tremble, for the Lord, who has overcome the world,[5] has gone before us.  He is walking beside, before, and behind us, and He will not abandon us.  He is our Helper, Shield, and Protector.

As one who has seen the Lord’s faithfulness to preserve those living in His protectorate, walk as a victor. Put on the Lord Jesus Christ. Clothe yourself in His righteousness and the armor of light, letting His Spirit take control of you.[6] Resist the sin from which Christ has delivered you, for long ago when He laid down His life, He assured your triumph over darkness.

Rejoice! Victory over sin is yours. Live as one freed from sin, never again taking up the yoke of slavery.[7] Christ set you free; therefore, you are free indeed.[8]

Victory, oh victory

Absolute and full

Never more shall my soul

Know dungeons dark and cruel

Victory, oh victory

Battles long past won

For when Christ destroyed our foe

Victory’s song was sung

By angels who rejoiced

At seeing slaves set free

As Jesus gave His holy life

To win the victory

Victory, oh victory

How great is the reward

Of those who answered heaven’s call

And Jesus Christ adored

[1] Hebrews 4:16

[2] Psalm 60:11

[3] Ephesians 6:11

[4] Romans 8:37

[5] John 16:33

[6] Romans 13:12, 14

[7] Galatians 5:1

[8] Zechariah 9:11