Vision – Habakkuk 2:3
For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay.
Bill Bright, founder of the worldwide Campus Crusade for Christ ministry, waited decades for the Lord to fulfill the vision He had given him to create a powerful film about the life of Jesus. After thirty-three years of persistent prayer, years in which he toiled for the cause of Christ, planting seeds of faith and reaping an amazing harvest, he saw the floodgates of heaven opened as the Lord worked miraculously and powerfully to create the Jesus film, which has played for over five billion people around the world.[1] Imagine the souls in heaven today because Bill Bright held onto the vision, not pushing ahead nor tarrying behind, but waiting patiently, watching with his eyes on the horizon for the evidence that the Lord’s appointed time had come.[2]
We too can expect the Lord to use us in powerful ways as we wait for Him to accomplish, with perfect faithfulness, the works He planned and promised for us long before the thought of them entered our heads.[3] He calls each of His faithful servants to perform a ministry of eternal value, a work that will stand forever, from generation to generation. Some will labor in their hometowns as they sow and reap a bountiful harvest for the Kingdom. Others will travel far and speak before vast crowds to share the Gospel, performing works light years beyond their natural reach. However, whether one’s ministry is narrow or wide, each must depend upon nothing other than the grace of God, who will fulfill His kind intentions and accomplish His good purposes[4] through those who patiently wait on Him and obediently follow Him.
Whatever the Lord has appointed
for you, be assured that He will provide all you need and that He will not
delay beyond the designated time. Though
the desires the Lord gives to you may seem impossible to achieve, believe in
His promises, and do not become discouraged.
Rather, station yourself at the ready, watching and listening for the
Lord to instruct you and to provide for you.[5] Hold onto the dream
and pray, and as you wait, faithfully serve the Lord. Trust Him, for He, who has ordained the
perfect time for everything under heaven, will use your committed heart to
accomplish all that He has planned for you.
[1] Insights by Bill Bright
[2] Psalm 37:7
[3] Isaiah 25:1
[4] Isaiah 46:10
[5] Habakkuk 2:1