Kindness,  Mercy,  Obedience,  Truth

Walk in Truth – Psalm 25:5

Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You I wait all the day.

The Lord’s way is loving-kindness and truth,[1] and those who travel along His path walk in the Truth.

Darkness does not shroud the Christian’s path, nor does the Lord allow His followers to dwell in confusion and disorder. Rather the Spirit of God breathes understanding into His people,[2] so we may know how to live in reverence to God for our own good and for the good of our children.[3] As we seek His will, our kind and merciful Lord opens to us the wonders of His Word, illuminating the road before us, so we may walk in the truth.[4] He tells us the way in which we should go and what we should do, so we may remain in the truth.[5]

As devotees of Jesus Christ, we are heaven bound on the roadway leading to the Truth, which Christ paved for us with His blood, shed by His sacrificial death on the cross. Our souls profit and our spirits grow rich when we hold onto truth while humbling ourselves before the Lord, raising our prayers to Him, and keeping close to Him while, at all times, shunning wickedness.[6]  As we set our hearts on gaining wisdom and obeying the Lord’s instructions and heeding His admonitions, He satisfies our souls. He fills us with His goodness, drawing us closer to Himself, granting us joy and peace in this life, while depositing everlasting rewards into our accounts in heaven.

Ask the Lord to lead you closer, ever closer, to the Truth, Jesus Christ.[7] Answer His invitation to learn from Him[8] that you may take on the holy character of one taught by the Master Himself.  Having stepped through the narrow gate leading to life and having laid aside that which you once held dear, but now see with unveiled eyes as worthless, allow the Spirit to continue its renewing and transforming work so you might bear the likeness of Jesus Christ and shine in righteousness and holiness.[9]

Pray with me, “Oh, Lord, send out Your light and Your truth; let them lead me to Your holy hill and to Your dwelling places.[10]  Teach me Your ways, and give me comprehension in the matters of the spirit, so I might know You and find favor in Your sight.[11]  Direct my steps, so I might walk in the truth and grow more like Your Son, the Truth, Himself.”[12]


[1] Psalm 25:10

[2] 1 Corinthians 2:12

[3] Jeremiah 32:39

[4] Psalm 119:105

[5] Jeremiah 42:3

[6] 2 Chronicles 7:14

[7] Psalm 27:11

[8] Matthew 11:29

[9] Ephesians 4:21-24

[10] Psalm 43:3

[11] Exodus 33:13

[12] Psalm 86:11