Wisdom Brings God’s Favor – Proverbs 8:35
For he who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord.
Listen to wisdom’s call. Heed her instruction in righteousness, and you will find favor with the Lord. Embrace her, and you will receive the abundant blessings that flow from heaven’s throne to those who allow her to direct their path.[1]
Wisdom lifts her voice so any who will listen may learn from her and gain understanding that they might live by grace in the joy of the Lord. As beloved children of the Most High God, we may receive wisdom, allowing it to teach us how to live in ways that are pleasing to our heavenly Father, even as it brings us joy. For we need not live as those who are impoverished in spirit, nor need we hopelessly wonder what the formula is for drawing near to the Lord and finding His favor. To our delight, wisdom will show us how to seek our Lord, and upon seeking Him, we will find Him,[2] causing our souls to thrive, bringing our hearts into spiritual prosperity.[3] As we wisely walk in obedience to the perfect law of God and resolutely follow Him, we will delight in the privilege of knowing Him,[4] for the Lord reveals Himself to those who, after seeking and receiving wisdom, revere Him.[5]
Do you want to live a blessed life, a life without fear and mental anguish? Surely you do, for what person would not. Therefore, love wisdom along with kindness, truth, prudence, humility, gentleness, and purity, making them your constant companions, for you can have no finer. Pursue wisdom as you revere the Lord; walk in His way and keep yourself holy and faithful in obedient service to Him.[6]
Take hold of wisdom, and you will find that she will be a tree of life to you, giving you happiness and contentment. Treasure her and you will find wisdom more valuable than riches, for she will lead you onto the path of peace and bring you into fellowship with the Lord.[7]
Find wisdom, and you will find the secret to a blessed life, a life of favor and good repute in the sight of God and with all people.[8]
[1] Proverbs 8:6-8, 32
[2] Proverbs 8:17
[3] Psalm 25:12-13
[4] Psalm 119:1-2
[5] Psalm 25:14
[6] Deuteronomy 10:12-13
[7] Proverbs 8:17-18
[8] Proverbs 3:1-4