Wise Counsel – Proverbs 15:22
Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they succeed.
Wisdom flows into those thirsting after its riches. It fills them with knowledge, steering them onto righteous paths, and sustaining them with understanding. Taking root as we fear the Lord and follow the His commandments,[1] it shows us the foolishness of the counsel offered by our unregenerate hearts and the fallen world. It shows us how ill prepared we are to make wise decisions when we depend on our own knowledge and understanding. Through the Spirit and the Scriptures, it teaches us to seek the safety of many counselors if we want to prosper in this life and desire to build up imperishable treasures, which no thief can steal and no misfortune destroy.[2]
Blessedly, we are not friendless, unable to attract or approach the counselors we need, for as children of God, we have access to the wonderful Counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.[3] We have the Spirit of Truth living within us to provide us wise, trustworthy counsel.[4] When we seek His counsel, He gives us understanding, might, and knowledge.[5] Attentive to our prayers and desiring our welfare, He guides us out of the darkness into the way of peace.[6] The holy, inspired Word of God brings us wisdom and insight. As we delve into it, we receive advice that will stand throughout eternity. As it delights and instructs us,[7] the Word unfolds the mysteries leading to joyous living and inner peace,[8] and it gives us holy, pure, and true guidance, which is more valuable than the finest gold.[9]
In addition to His Word, God gives us pastors, teachers, and Christian friends, those who are mature in Him, who walk close to Him, who are full of wisdom and discernment to help us make God-honoring, fruit-bearing decisions. Their wise counsel rejoices our hearts as we listen and receive their inspired confirmations, recommendations, admonitions, and cautions.[10]
Build your
plans upon the advice of wise and proven counselors, and you will find wisdom
and grace to meet the myriad trials, opportunities, and challenges God lays out
before you. Be attentive to the leading
of the Holy Spirit, God’s Word, and wise, righteous, and mature followers of
Christ. With open-mindedness and a
willingness to change your predispositions and suppositions, seek instruction
and pray for discernment. Faithfully
pursue the wise and blameless course God lays before you, and be confident that
the Lord will honor your determination to be where He sends you, doing what He
sent you to do.
[1] Psalm 111:10
[2] Proverbs 24:6, Proverbs 11:14, Matthew 6:19-20
[3] Isaiah 9:6
[4] John 14:16
[5] Isaiah 11:2
[6] Luke 1:78-79
[7] Psalm 119:24, Psalm 119:33
[8] Psalm 119:105, 130, 140, 142
[9] Psalm 19:7-10
[10] Proverbs 27:9