Discernment,  Discipline,  Strength,  Trust

Without Restraint – Judges 17:6

In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes.

Situational ethics, relative morality, and tolerance are popular ways of saying, “I can justify my sins against a holy God for I know better than He what is appropriate given the circumstances.”  Adherents to such convictions declare themselves free from the restraining standards of righteousness imposed by authority from above, but they are sadly and fatally misguided for the King has come.[1]  The Father, having settled His law in heaven,[2] has given this King dominion over every people, nation, tribe, and tongue, and He has proclaimed that every knee will bow before Him.[3]

For such people, convincing themselves that this King does not exist cannot be easy.  They must veil their eyes lest they see the heavens declaring His glory,[4] and they must plug their ears lest they hear the rivers clapping their hands and the mountains singing His praises.[5]  They must dull their minds with grand philosophies and theories while counting the living, transforming Word of God as foolishness, lest wisdom pierce their comprehension.[6]  They must quiet the voice of reason within their hearts, so they can repudiate the eternal principles of holiness set forth by God from the beginning of time. 

Atheism, agnosticism, and religiosity prevail throughout our society.  Their legions of followers say, “Amen,” to impassioned dissertations in defense of their blatantly irreverent, immoral, and indifferent conduct.  Therefore, arm yourself with the Truth lest you become lulled into sin by their campaign against righteousness and devotion.  Stand firm, refusing to be intimidated into silence against evil or enchanted into behaving in a fashion found unacceptable when tested against the light of God’s Word. 

Do not allow evil to corrupt or distract you, bringing you into rebellion against your King, Lord Jesus, the One who desires to preserve your life and to make you useful for honorable work in His kingdom.  Yield yourself to Him, the only King worthy to rule your heart.  Serve no other.  Follow Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life into the light, out of this world’s pervasive darkness.  Submit to His authority, for His faithfulness will continue forever and ever,[7] and trust Him to watch over you with loving-kindness and mercy. 

Walk in obedience to the King of kings, the One before whom all creation bows, and follow the teachings of His Word, which will lead you in the way of righteousness.[8]

[1] Daniel 7:14

[2] Psalm 119:89

[3] Philippians 2:9-10

[4] Psalm 89:5

[5] Psalm 98:8

[6] 1 Corinthians 1:21

[7] Psalm 119:90

[8] Psalm 94:14-15

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