Worry – Matthew 6:25
For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
Stop worrying. Take God literally in His instruction in Matthew 6. Rather than worrying, take everything that causes you to fret, your troubled thoughts of what you should say or do, your fears about what will happen next, and turn them into prayers. Pray without ceasing.[1] Lay your concerns, hopes, and desires at the feet of the Savior of your soul, Jesus Christ.
Do not allow worry a moment in your thoughts nor a crevice in your heart, for the Lord has raised you far above the fray and seated you in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.[2] The mighty warrior King of the universe is a shield about you,[3] and He will be faithful to help and care for you, His beloved. As you cleave to Him, residing in His presence, the Lord will rebuke the storms that assail you and calm the troubled seas.[4] As you rely on Him, though present circumstances may rock you and toss you about, you will embark on a voyage leading into the Sea of Tranquility, for He will soothe away disquieting thoughts and give you faith to rejoice in Him as you persevere through trying conditions.[5]
Instead of giving your strength to worry, bring the Lord an offering of praise and thanksgiving for the excellent greatness of the mighty and powerful works He has done, is doing, and will do.[6] Trust Him with those you hold dear. Yield control of the affairs of your life to Him, for as you refuse to allow worry to infiltrate your heart and distract you from living a consecrated life of faith and worship, the Father will shower you with blessings.[7]
If you know nothing else, know this one thing: the Father in heaven cherishes and adores His children, and He will prove Himself trustworthy to care for them. Be persuaded that, in His time, He will bring beauty out of all things for those who love Him, and He has called according to His purpose. Therefore, walk with an unencumbered heart in the freedom He gives to His beloved. Stop worrying; it is futile. Rather, pray and trust, praise and offer thanks. Delight yourself in the Lord, and you will find rest for your soul.[8]
No fear can steal your joy away
No trial shake the ground your tread
No darkness shroud the glow of day
Or cause your heart to quake in dread
For as you walk in God’s true light
Standing on the Rock of Hope
Peace blossoms beautiful and bright
As you ascend the mountain’s slope
To meet your faithful Lord and Friend
To rest upon His loving arm
To lean, and trust, and to depend
As He protects you from all harm
[1] 1 Thessalonians 5:17
[2] Ephesians 2:6
[3] Psalm 115:9
[4] Luke 8:22-24
[5] 1 Peter 5:7
[6] Psalm 150:2
[7] Ezekiel 34:26
[8] Jeremiah 6:16

One Comment
Diann Mitchell
Some of my favorite verses, especially Matthew 6,
the “worry chapter “.
Beautiful thoughts, thank you so much for sending your devotion to me.
Our God is an Awesome God!!
Diann Mitchell