Courage,  Faith,  Grace,  Integrity,  Obedience

Your Job – Deuteronomy 28:12

“The Lord will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.

Do you ever complain about your or your spouse’s job?  Have harsh words for your employer or co-workers crossed your lips?  If so, desist, for grumbling is always unprofitable, and the Lord cautions us to keep from it lest we give the destroyer a stranglehold on our lives.[1]  Rather than becoming downcast and complaining, praise the Lord, for He is faithful to care for His beloved.  Diligently obey and steadfastly follow Him, and as you do, He will bless you and give you joy.[2] 

Rise, and shine, and give God the glory,[3] refusing to show ingratitude for the day the Lord has made.  Climb the holy mountain where people of faith abide.  Leave feelings of victimization in your job by the roadside.  Rather than bemoaning your situation, rejoice in the privilege of having employment and for the opportunity to be a ministering spirit through your work.[4]  With a humble, merciful heart, perform your job as unto the Lord.  Serve Him and your employer with gladness, thanking God for His abundant loving-kindness and unending faithfulness to you in everything that touches your life.[5] 

Remember, wherever you are, God is with you.  However frustrating or aggravating your circumstances, God is in the midst of your days, upholding you, caring for you, and providing for you.  Whatever your job, He can use you in it in unexpected and glorious ways to further His kingdom.  While those in the wrong positions should pray for wisdom and discernment as they seek jobs that suit them better, we are accountable for how we behave this day, where we are, and we must decide whom we will serve.  Will we serve the powers of darkness and our own selfish ambitions by displaying aggressive or petulant demeanors before the world and God, or will we let the darkness-consuming light of Jesus Christ shine through us? 

Choose the Light; choose to carry the mantle of Christ as His ambassador in your workplace.[6]  Look at your work from an eternal perspective, and entrust your job to the Lord along with all those whom you encounter through it.  Perform your job for God’s glory, and your present difficulties will seem trivial when compared to the treasures you will secure in heaven by your obedience to serve the Lord in all circumstances.

Walk in Christ, performing your work with a committed heart, allowing the joy of the Lord to bubble up and spill into your workplace.  Serve the Lord with gladness, and He will be true to His promise to provide much return for your labor.[7]

[1] 1 Corinthians 10:10

[2] Deuteronomy 28:1-3

[3][3] The Arky, Arky Song

[4] Psalm 32:11

[5] Psalm 100:1-5

[6] John 17:18

[7] Proverbs 12:11